
2019 Volunteer Placement contest!

YFU Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. Without your time, talent, and numerous other ways of contributing, we couldn’t do what we’ve done for 65+ years.

You’ve asked…and we’ve listened. Understanding that money doesn’t motivate everyone, we want to award your field and/or you for helping us place our remaining summer inbound students. Now** through the end of placement, we are excited to offer the following placement awards to active YFU Volunteers ONLY:

  • Field/ Group awards: The field or field group that places the highest number of students will receive $500 in field enrichment funds (second place $450, third place $400 and forth place $350). Have a bowling party, amazing holiday party or a YFU celebration on us!*

  • In addition to the Field/Group awards, YFU is offering placement awards on an individual basis. All placements count towards the Field/Group goal, but may not qualify for the individual awards (see rules below).*

All you need to do to qualify is:

  1. Refer a family or individual who might be interested in hosting an international student assigned to either your field or group to YFU through the form on this page.

  2. If the family or individual you referred hosts, your placement gets you qualified!

YFU Volunteer Contest- Group Rules

Q. Who can I place?

A. Each group has been divided into 40-50 volunteers who live in the same field. Groups have been assigned 9 students who are not currently assigned to their field nor currently assigned to other groups. Your mission is to place these 9 students in addition to the remaining students assigned to your field. Placement of these 9 students or remaining students assigned to your field count towards both the group and individual awards.

Q. How does the Group Volunteer Contest work?

A. Unlike our regular “Referral Program”, placements for the group contest may be made within your own home, with a family who has recently hosted or in any family new to YFU. AS long as the placement is made, anything goes within the Group Contest rules!

Individual contest rules/awards

Q. What are the Individual Contest awards?

Active YFU Volunteers can earn the following awards by placing a group assigned or field assigned student by the end of the placement cycle:

  • 3-4 placements= iPad Air

  • 5-9 placements= Air travel voucher worth $800 (domestic or international)

  • 10+ placements= Study tour with YFU staff in Asia or European partner country OR the opportunity to accompany departing 2020 US students as a flight leader to Japan or Germany (to include return ticket for you!).

Q. What placements Qualify for Individual Awards?

A. Due to J1 Visa regulations, YFU cannot issue individual awards to a referrer for hosting the student in their household, but these placements DO qualify for the group awards listed above.

Each YFU host family lead you refer who becomes a vetted host family for an assigned semester or year student earns you credits towards the awards listed above and for the Group contest.  YFU will confirm and distribute awards for qualified referrals by October 31st. Additional details on the Study Tour or Flight Leader program will be distributed to the winners at a later date.

You must enter your eligible referrals directly on the form listed on this page prior to the host family starting their on-line YFU host family application.  Staff members may not enter referrals on your behalf.

*Placements made as an HFR do not qualify for the individual or group awards.

**Contest begins July 12, 2019. Only placements made after this date qualify for the contest(s).

Awards for the travel voucher or study tours/ flight leaders will require IRS form 1099 information from the volunteer prior to issuance of the award.