Volunteer Portal Help

Please click here on the PDF which shows you how to navigate your new Volunteer portal.

If you are a Volunteer and Host Family member you can click here to access your Host Family Account.

If you have any questions please contact itsupport@yfu.org.


Student: 301.961.1301
Travel: 800.705.9510
Outside the US, contact your local office: yfu.org


800.TEENAGE (800.833.6243)

Call us at this number to talk with us about hosting, study abroad and volunteer opportunities or to schedule a classroom presentation.

For Community College Inquiries or to ask about an Education Select Program: 800.TEENAGE.

For National Office, please call 202.774.5200.

For Media Requests, please visit our Media Kit.

For Fax, please dial 202.588.7571.