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3995 Fashion Square Boulevard
Saginaw, MI, 48603
United States


Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.



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Study in Vietnam

Immerse yourself in the culture of Asia’s fastest-growing economy. Vietnam’s unique S-shape gives the country over 2,140 miles of picturesque coastline and borders with China, Laos, and Cambodia, making for a unique cross-cultural influence in Vietnamese life. Be sure to try pho and coffee for the authentic Vietnamese experience!

“I would recommend the exchange program to anyone who is considering it. It will change your life and make you think differently about yourself and the world around you. You’ll gain a second home and another family, which is something you’ll never forget. I’m happy to answer all of your questions and concerns! ”


+ More About Vietnam

Xin chào! Come explore the endless beauty of Vietnam! Vietnam is packed with biodiversity. Though the country is very small, it is home to 16% of the world's species and is the 16th most biodiverse country on the planet. Nature and marine life play a big role in Vietnamese culture, economy, and activity.

Family is a huge part of Vietnamese culture - it is common for three generations to live under the same roof and for extended families to live in the same community and share resources. The Vietnamese place a huge emphasis on heritage and ancestry, and often honor ancestors with festivals and traditions. The biggest cultural event is without a doubt Tết, or the celebration of the Lunar New Year! Families gather with food and music to celebrate the coming of spring and honor their heritage.

Outside of bonding with your host family and attending school, you'll have no shortage of things to do! Soccer is the country's most popular sport, but students also participate in badminton, wrestling, volleyball, and more. Beach sports and other pastimes are also common, set against the backdrop of the iconic blue waters of the Vietnamese coast.

+ Scholarships Available

YFU USA is proud to send over 200 American students on cultural exchange with a full or partial scholarship each year. Financial assistance may be in the form of a merit-based scholarship, needs-based financial aid, or Legacy Grant for students who are previously involved in the YFU Community. Scholarships may vary in deadline, requirements and eligibility To learn more, please visit our Scholarships Page to find details on the following scholarships eligible for Vietnam:

Holcomb & Farnell Foreign Study Fund
YFU Legacy Grant
YFU Financial Aid Fund

+ Application Deadline

Applications for fall 2025 programs must be submitted by March 15, 2025 for review.

+ Additional Information

Visa Information

Information regarding visas and other immigration processes will be provided upon enrollment.

Additional Costs

Program tuition does not include visa fees and related costs, personal spending money or school-related costs such as books, school trips, and uniforms (if required).

Choose Your Program

+ Trimester Programs

During your time in Vietnam, you will live with a host family and attend the local high school. Part of your experience will be:



Every school requires 2 uniforms: One for everyday "regular" wear and another for P.E. class. Some schools require female students to wear ÁoDài (a modernized Vietnamese national garment consisting of a long split tunic worn over silk trousers) while others do not. On the left of the shirt, below the collar, you will have to sew a label with your name (the school sells the label). If you study in Ha Noi, the schools have uniform jackets for winter. Meanwhile, when it is cold in Ho Chi Minh City, you can wear your own coat or jacket.

Students may have the opportunity to take classes in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature, history, geography, foreign languages, civics, IT, or physical education.


All students applying for the trimester program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation*, which usually takes place in mid-July. This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas.

Students also have an arrival orientation once they arrive in Vietnam as well as a mid-year orientation. All orientation costs are included in program tuition.

*Due to COVID-19, the 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation described above may take place on-line dependent upon recommended guidelines at the time of the event. YFU will continue to assess the situation as it develops.

Host Family Placement

Students going to Vietnam will live with host families and most likely be placed in the cities of Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh.

Relationships in Vietnamese families are more complex than those in Western countries. About 80% of families in Vietnam are extended families and many generations cohabitate to take care of each other. Each family has its own rules and values that members are supposed to conform with. Vietnamese families are very hospitable. You will be warmly welcomed when coming and staying.

2025 Fall Trimester Late August Mid November $14,995

Optional Trips

Domestic Trip: Students have the opportunity to travel to multiple provinces in Vietnam with other international students for an additional cost. Hotel accommodations and meals will be arranged by YFU Vietnam.

Tuition Includes

  • Placement with a host family
  • Enrollment in a local high school
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Vietnam Area Representative while on program
  • Comprehensive insurance

Age Requirement

2025 Fall Departure: Students born July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2023. Students who exceed this age requirement will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.


Vietnamese and English. Previous language study is not required, though some knowledge of Vietnamese is recommended.