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3995 Fashion Square Boulevard
Saginaw, MI, 48603
United States


Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.

YFU Referral Program

Want to earn a little extra cash this summer while having a positive impact on your community?  Refer an awesome family or individual you know to host with YFU!


Do you know someone who would be great At hosting?

Refer them to YFU! Host family referrals are $300 until August 15th!* There is no limit on the number of families you can refer.*

It's simple to become a part of the YFU Referral Program:

  1. Refer a family with this form 

  2. A YFU Team member will reach out

  3. The referral joins the program

  4. Get your referral reward

You can not refer yourself or your family to host a student for the referral payment. J1 visa regulations prohibit the payment or incentivization of payments to host families. If you are interested in hosting, please submit an inquiry to our hosting page.

*Local Coordinators are not eligible to be paid for referring host families on this form. Please speak to your Community Manager about how to process your referral payments.



The YFU Referral Program 

Q. What is the YFU Referral Program?

A. The YFU Referral Program is our way of giving back in appreciation to those who help grow local YFU communities.  YFU families, volunteers, educators, alumni, and all individuals who support YFU and our mission are eligible for the reward. 

Q. How does the YFU Referral Program work?

A. Refer YFU Host Family leads via the form on this page. Let YFU know who you think would make a great YFU Host Family.  If the family you referred hosts a short-term, semester, or year student with us, you will receive a $300 reward from YFU. 

Please Note:  Those families who have hosted with YFU within the last two years will not count towards the reward.

Q. Who is eligible for the YFU Referral Program?

A. Everyone is welcome to participate.  However, YFU employees and their immediate family members are ineligible to receive awards for this program.

Q. Why does YFU request my personal information?

A. Personal information will only be used to issue the awards.  Checks will be made out and mailed directly to the individual listed as the referrer on the form.

Q. How does YFU qualify my host family lead for a referral reward?

A. Each YFU host family lead you refer who becomes a vetted host family for a short-term, semester, or year student earns a $300 reward.  YFU will confirm and distribute awards for qualified referrals by October 31st.  You must enter your eligible referrals directly on the form listed on this page before the host family starts their online YFU hosting application.  Staff members may not enter referrals on your behalf.  

Due to J1 Visa regulations, YFU cannot issue awards for placements within the same household as the referrer.  The New-to-YFU host family and referrer must have different legal addresses to be considered for an award.

Awards totaling more than $600 will require the referrer to provide IRS form 1099 information prior to the check's issuance.