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Saginaw, MI, 48603
United States


Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.

News - Youth For Understanding USA

Latest news about Youth for Understanding USA student exchange programs worldwide – Events – Partnerships.

YFU USA Communication Regarding Novel Coronavirus

Jennifer McKendree

As a leader in international exchanges, YFU’s top priority continues to be student safety and welfare.    Together with our partners around the world, YFU USA is monitoring the latest information and official directives concerning the novel coronavirus to assess and decide action steps to keep YFU students safe.

Specifically, YFU China reports that all YFU students in China, their host families, outbound natural parents, staff, and volunteers are well and safe.  YFU China is the team that is checking in regularly with students, families, and schools in order to report back to the YFU community and to keep all informed of any changes and updated government and/or World Health Organization directives.   There are no US students in China and YFU students in China are not placed in the Hubei province, including Wuhan where the outbreak is centered. 

To keep informed about the situation, official actions and precautions, the YFU USA team is monitoring the resources listed below for updates pertinent to the well-being of our students and the YFU community:  

Concerning YFU USA action and decisions for our students, YFU will follow travel directives from the US Department of State (DoS) (outbound) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (inbound) in coordination with health safety guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and YFU partner country counsel.

Let us also be mindful to take good care of our community.   Health fears can prompt xenophobic remarks and behaviors which hurt and discriminate against others.  Being watchful to address and protect against such behaviors keeps our students safe and serves the YFU mission to advance intercultural understanding, life-long learning, global competencies, mutual respect, and social responsibility.

YFU USA will keep this news link updated.