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Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.

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Embracing Opportunities: Why High School Students Should Study Abroad

Megan Michels


A YFU student in Brazil enjoying their time at the Christ the Redeemer statue.

High school students studying abroad experience a transformative journey beyond classroom confines in today's globalized world. Here's why this adventure is not just enriching but also essential for personal growth, academic excellence, and cultural understanding.

Academic Enrichment

Studying abroad offers unparalleled academic opportunities. Students immerse themselves in new languages, adapt to diverse educational systems, and gain insights that enrich their academic journey. Exposure to different teaching styles and subjects fosters a global perspective and sets students apart in an increasingly competitive world.

A student participating in a volunteer project in Thailand.

Cultural Immersion

Beyond sightseeing, studying abroad is about cultural immersion. Students engage in local life, taste diverse cuisines, and forge friendships across borders. This firsthand exposure cultivates empathy, tolerance, and respect for differences – essential qualities in today's interconnected world.

Personal Growth

Stepping out of comfort zones catalyzes personal growth. From navigating new cities to problem-solving in unfamiliar environments, students develop resilience, independence, and confidence. By embracing uncertainty, they discover strengths and passions, laying the foundation for future success.

Enhanced Language Skills

Immersion accelerates language proficiency. Students communicate fluently and confidently through daily interactions, academic coursework, and cultural activities. This linguistic advantage provides a competitive edge in the global job market.

An exchange student smiles with a woman dressed in traditional Bulgarian clothing.

Global Networking

Studying abroad fosters international connections. Students build relationships with peers, host families, teachers, and community members. These diverse networks broaden perspectives and open doors to global opportunities.

Safety and Security

Ensuring student safety is the most important part of a great study abroad experience. Our programs prioritize well-being with pre-departure orientations and 24/7 support. Parents can trust their children are in capable hands, with access to assistance whenever needed, wherever they are.

Studying abroad is not just about academics; it's about fun and adventure. From exploring iconic landmarks to embarking on weekend excursions, students create memories that last a lifetime. These experiences enrich their journey and contribute to personal growth.

Exchange students on a beach representing their home country of Norway.

Studying abroad during high school is a transformative experience that equips students for success in our interconnected world. The benefits are profound, ranging from academic enrichment to cultural understanding. YFU prioritizes safety, support, and fun, making the experience essential and enjoyable. Discover a wide array of scholarship opportunities and start your journey to embracing the global community.