William Dant


YFU International Board Member

William Dant of Boston, Virginia has over 30 years’ experience in educational programs and projects in the international arena. He has held management positions in government during 10 years’ service in the US Department of State and the Peace Corps, and early in his career served as a Peace Corps volunteer teacher in West Africa. His work in the private sector has included leadership positions with World Learning, YFU, and the Institute of International Education. He continues similar work as principal of his consulting firm and also serves on the board of the Headwaters Educational Foundation in Virginia and on the Ford Foundation’s International Fellowship Working Group. He also continues his volunteer work with YFU-USA as an area representative, supporting local YFU exchange students and their families.

Dant’s global work has included assignments in West Africa, North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Eurasia and Southeast Asia. He holds a PhD. in International Education Policy & Leadership from the University of Maryland, an MAT from the SIT Graduate Institute in Vermont and a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He has also studied at the University of Strasbourg, France and at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.


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