Hosting a FLEX Student

The Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) program was established in 1992 from the conviction of former Senator Bill Bradley that the best way to ensure peace and understanding between the United States and the countries of Eurasia is to enable youth from these countries to learn about the U.S. firsthand and to teach Americans about their cultures.

The FLEX program today operates in 22 countries, including many former Soviet Republics:

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Explore the FLEX program’s impact on students, host families, and communities!

FLEX Country-Specific Resources

Country Profiles – This publication by American Councils provides an overview of FLEX country histories, religions, and cultures.

Required Activities for YFU FLEX Scholars

Leadership Opportunities for YFU FLEX Scholars

1.  Civic Education Workshop (CEW): A one-week program, held by American Councils and American Civics Center in Washington, D.C. During CEW, students will learn firsthand about the U.S. federal system of government and other important concepts of US culture and civil society through seminar discussions, briefings, and meetings on Capitol Hill.

2.  English Language Teaching: This one-week workshop, presented by American Councils in Washington, D.C., will host approximately 28 students. Participants learn classroom teaching and leadership skills. The workshops are focused on developing participants’ abilities to teach English to other youth and to help them qualify for ECA and Embassy supported English programs when they return home. Activities include extensive online pre-program engagement, as well as follow-on support and interaction after the students return home.

3.  Better Understanding for a Better World Conference (BUBW): This conference brings together U.S. high school students of diverse backgrounds and international exchange students currently studying in the U.S. YFU FLEX students selected to attend will receive a scholarship which pays for the full conference fee and transportation to Baltimore.

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