
Fun Things To Do With A Foreign Exchange Student


You’ve hosted your exchange student for a few months now, and you may be out of ideas for things to do. Remember that there are reasons your exchange student came to America. Education is paramount; however, they likely want to experience our culture and experience typical American life. When you involve your student in family activities, you help fulfill their goals.

Benefits of Engaging in Activities Together

Cultural Enrichment

By sharing and discovering each other’s customs, songs, and stories, you not only understand a new culture but also offer a unique perspective on your own traditions. This mutual exchange enriches both lives.

Language Exchange

Every chat, whether it’s debating the rules of a board game or discussing the day’s events, becomes a language lesson. These informal settings often accelerate language fluency and confidence.

Deepening Bonds

Every shared experience, from a hearty laugh over a missed bus to a quiet moment under the stars, adds another thread to the fabric of your relationship, making it stronger and more memorable.

Choosing the Right Activities

Age Appropriateness

Remember, what’s exciting for a teenager might be mundane for a younger child. Always select activities that captivate and intrigue, keeping age in mind.

Interests & Hobbies

Keep an ear out for their passions. Maybe they’ve always wanted to try roller-skating, or perhaps they’re curious about local dance forms. Make it a mission to help them tick something off their bucket list.

Physical Abilities

Ensure that activities aren’t too strenuous or outside their comfort zone. Safety and enjoyment go  hand in hand.

Fun Activities For International Students

Outdoor Activities

  • National and State Parks: Dive deeper into the histories of these natural reserves, explaining conservation efforts, indigenous histories, and the diverse ecosystems present. Learn more about America’s national parks and state parks: https://www.nps.gov/

  • Historical Sites: Learn about American history at landmarks and monuments.

  • Orchard Visits: Talk about the local fruits, their history, and significance in American traditions, like apple pies for Thanksgiving.

  • Fishing Adventures: Share old fishing tales, discuss local fish species, and maybe even cook up a catch together!

  • Sporting Events: Engage in a mini sports trivia, discussing famous players, unforgettable matches, and the evolution of the sport.

Cultural & Indoor Activities

  • State or County Fairs: Dive into the history of fairs. Why were they started? What’s their significance? Make it an educational outing.

  • City Mouse: If you’re hosting a student in the city, go to the country to experience wide-open spaces. If you live in the country, go to the city to experience the bright lights. This welcome change of pace shows our varied landscape.

  • Museums: Maybe task them with finding an artifact or exhibit from their country. This scavenger hunt will make museum visits even more engaging.

  • Music: Share playlists or create one together. Every song has a story and sharing that makes for great bonding. Maybe a popular artist is making a tour stop near you, or you can attend a free concert at a local band shell. Make sure it’s music your student likes.

  • Candy & Desserts: Exchange students love dessert. Visit a candy or ice cream shop for a treat. Or make a pan of brownies and watch the smile spread across your student’s face.

  • Meals: Visit a restaurant that features cuisine from your student’s country, or invite your student into your kitchen to help make a traditional dish from their country. They will be glad to experience a taste of home.

  • Worship: If you attend church or synagogue, invite your exchange student to come along. It may be an interesting experience.

  • Plays/Movies: Attend a play put on by a local company or high school. Go to a popular blockbuster or an off-beat film festival. Experience a drive-in movie theater.

  • Seasonal Activities: Grill out or pack a picnic basket. Rent kayaks. Go leaf watching. Take a sleigh ride, go sledding or ice skating. For guidance on managing homesickness during the holiday season, explore our dedicated advice section.

  • Shopping at the Mall: Your student may like to try on clothes.Mall culture has changed in America over the years and your student may like to engage in shopping online instead. Ask them which they prefer.

  • Visit Family: Share childhood memories, family anecdotes, and traditions that give a deeper insight into your family’s history. Your student might enjoy meeting your extended family. Bring them along to birthday and holiday celebrations.

Maximizing Your Time Together

Stay Flexible

Remember, the best moments often aren’t planned. Whether it’s a surprise rain shower or a spontaneous music session, embrace the unexpected.

Be Open-Minded

Every day is an opportunity to learn. Every question, is a chance to see the world from a fresh perspective.

Provide Support

Explore our monthly support guides tailored to assist you throughout your journey with your exchange student. If you have questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Navigating Challenges

Cultural Differences

Always approach differences with curiosity, not judgment. It’s a chance to broaden horizons.

Language Barriers

Celebrate every new word learned, every sentence framed correctly. Every mistake is just a step closer to fluency.

Set Clear Expectations

Regular check-ins can ensure both parties feel heard and comfortable. It’s all about mutual respect and understanding.

Take photos during activities with your exchange student so they can send them home. To help your student feel like a member of your family, put photos on the refrigerator or place them in frames around the house.

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