YFU Orientations

YFU USA believes in the power of lived experience as an educational tool and has developed a series of orientations to foster intercultural learning and self-growth for all participants. Starting before a program even begins, YFU’s orientations equip families and students with the tools they need to have a healthy and fulfilling exchange experience. Taking place at key points throughout a student’s program, orientations serve as opportunities for participants to reflect and voice any concerns. Through this educational programming, students and families can get the most out of their experience while also strengthening their network of support.

Inbound Orientation Process

Families hosting with YFU complete a Pre-Arrival Orientation before their students arrive in the US. This virtual program is designed to prepare host families for the exchange experience. Families learn about YFU’s comprehensive support system and how to keep themselves and their students safe during their program. Through this orientation, families have a better understanding of their own culture and are given tips on how to welcome an exchange student into their home and assist in their adjustment process.

The Post-Arrival Orientation occurs within 4-6 weeks after students arrive in the US. During this orientation, students get to meet other YFU students in their area and strengthen their network of peer support. They also discuss various exchange-related topics such as personality differences, social media’s influence, culture, and culture shock. Students develop and practice strategies for adjustment to a new culture and family, as well as learn about YFU USA’s extensive support system and how to keep themselves safe while on program. After the post-arrival orientation, students have new tools designed by YFU USA to foster successful adjustment to a new culture and family and promote a healthy exchange experience.

Students participating in an academic year program will have a Mid-Year Orientation at the midpoint of the exchange experience. Through various activities and discussions, students identify where they are in the adjustment process and continue to develop and practice adaptation strategies. Various topics are covered, including stereotypes, verbal vs. nonverbal communication, and how to utilize YFU’s support system. By the end of the orientation, students have reflected on their experiences so far, identified any concerns they may have, and set realistic goals for the rest of their time in the US.

Preparing to return home after an exchange program is an emotional and sometimes daunting task. The Re-Entry Orientation takes place in the weeks before students return to their home country and is designed to help with this process. Students reflect on how their experience has changed their personal culture, celebrate their self-growth, and learn how to utilize this growth in their role as global citizens. The topic of reverse culture shock is discussed, and strategies are developed for a smooth adjustment to their home country and natural family. Students also develop a plan for saying goodbye to friends and family and preparing for their departure from the US.

Outbound Orientation Process

All short-term summer students not studying in Japan complete a virtual Pre-Departure Orientation. Led by YFU alumni, students explore a variety of exchange-related topics, such as culture shock, adaptation, conflict resolution, and more. Students discuss stereotypes and the impact they have on cross-cultural interactions. They also learn about how to utilize YFU’s extensive support system and how to keep themselves safe while on exchange. This orientation gives the students the tools and strategies they need to have a healthy experience and a successful exchange program.

The exchange experience continues beyond a student’s return to the US and YFU has designed a Homecoming Orientation for academic year and semester students to help prepare them for the transition back into their natural family and home culture. Led by YFU alumni, this virtual orientation allows students to reconnect and share about their exchange. Students discuss the challenges of
returning home, develop strategies for adjustment, and learn tips about how to share their experiences with others. Students leave the orientation with plans for re-entering their home life, a better understanding of their personal growth, tools to utilize their experience professionally, and a sense of belonging in the ever-growing community of YFU alumni.

The National Pre-Departure Orientation is designed to give students the tools they need to ensure a healthy and positive exchange experience. Over the course of the orientation, students spend most of their time in small groups led by YFU alumni, partaking in activities and discussions that cover a variety of exchange-related topics, such as culture, stereotypes, and intercultural communication. They also participate in immersive cultural simulations to better understand culture shock and to promote adaptation, conflict resolution, and more. By the end of the orientation, students have established a strong network of peers and recognize how exchange programs can lead to greater self-awareness and cross-cultural understanding.

Students studying on a short-term program to Japan participate in virtual sessions led by YFU alumni facilitators and staff. Over the course of the sessions, students practice the Japanese language and learn about a variety of topics related to going on exchange to Japan, such as etiquette, attending a high school, living with a host family, and culture shock. Students also gain an understanding of the adaptation process and develop tools to help them throughout their program. Through this orientation, students develop basic Japanese language skills and a general understanding of Japanese culture.

Embrace every moment and seize every opportunity of this invaluable experience. Extend to the students the same care and affection you would give to your children – love, support, and guidance are what they truly need.

-YFU Host Mother