
How Hosting Exchange Students Can Foster Lifelong Relationships: Dorothy’s Story

Dorothy and Annie Ready to Go On Trip

Hosting an exchange student can be an enriching experience that not only broadens your horizons but also forges bonds that can last a lifetime. Here’s how cultural exchange affected Dorothy Hughes Engelman and her family and how that decision to host led to a decades-long global friendship.

My family and I experienced this first-hand when we welcomed Annie van Rossum from Eindhoven, Netherlands, into our home in August 1966. Annie lived with us until July 1967; since then, we have maintained a remarkable 58-year-long relationship. Here’s our story and how such connections can create lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories.


When Annie came to live with us in Troy, Michigan, she became an integral part of our family. She shared in our daily lives, celebrated holidays with us, and created memories that have stood the test of time. Despite the initial cultural differences, we found common ground and developed a deep bond that grew stronger over the decades.


Over the years, our families have stayed in touch through visits, letters, and regular Skype calls. Here’s a brief timeline of our key interactions:

  • 1966-67: Annie lived with us in Troy, Michigan.

  • 1971: Annie introduced her husband to my parents parents during a trip to the US.

  • 1982: My parents visited Annie in the Netherlands.

  • 1987: Annie and her family visited Michigan.

  • 2002: Annie’s family visited her sister in Utah and our family in Michigan.

  • 2012: Annie and her husband stayed with us in St. George, UT, and we toured several states together and attended our high school reunion.

  • 2024: I visited Annie in the Netherlands and traveled to Italy together.

These visits, along with numerous letters, postcards, and gifts exchanged over the years, have kept our bond strong. Modern technology, like Skype, has made it easier to stay in touch, allowing us to connect regularly despite the distance.


Our relationship with Annie and her family exemplifies the profound impact that hosting an exchange student can have. It goes beyond the immediate benefits of cultural exchange and language learning. It builds bridges across continents, creating a global family and fostering a sense of understanding and compassion that transcends borders. Hosting an exchange student provides:

1. Cultural Enrichment: Hosting an exchange student introduces you to new traditions, foods, and perspectives. It’s a chance to learn and grow together.

2. Lifelong Friendships: Our story shows that the bonds formed during an exchange program can last a lifetime. These relationships become a part of your family history, enriching your life in countless ways.

3. Personal Growth: Hosting encourages adaptability, empathy, and open-mindedness. It’s a rewarding experience that can shape your worldview and personal development.

4. Global Connections: Connecting with someone from another world fosters global awareness and a sense of international community.


Our nearly 60-year-long relationship with Annie is a testament to the lasting impact of hosting an exchange student. It’s more than just a year of cultural exchange; it’s the beginning of a lifelong journey filled with shared experiences and cherished memories. If you’re considering hosting an exchange student, know it’s an opportunity to create lasting relationships that can enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

Hosting Annie has been a significant and joyful part of our lives, and I hope our story inspires others to open their homes and hearts to exchange students. The rewards are immense, and your connections can truly last a lifetime.

Annie, Dorothy’s sister Diane, and Dorothy continue their cultural exchange adventure.

To learn more about hosting exchange students and programs, please visit our hosting page. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to share your experiences. Let’s continue to build bridges and create lifelong friendships across the globe.

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