YFU Former Trustee Challenge Fundraiser


it is not the crisis we face, but how we respond to it which will determine the future we leave for generations to come

At least $250,000 is needed for YFU to bridge the budget gap through this global crisis.

“Acknowledging that my YFU experience changed my life and helped form the successful career and life I have today, I donated $50,000 to YFU. I want to give back to the organization that gave me so much and ensure its survival for generations to come. As a former investor and leader of the organization, I challenge you to match my gift. ”

— Rolf Olofsson, former YFU Trustee

“Youth For Understanding is a dream come true…. To be part of it brings out the best in all of us. Each of us who has shared the magic of its being has contributed [to] something bigger than we are. We have learned to love and be loved, to trust and be trusted, to open our homes and our hearts to all people, everywhere.”

— Rachel Andresen, YFU Founder