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3995 Fashion Square Boulevard
Saginaw, MI, 48603
United States


Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.


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YFU Instagram Contest

Jennifer McKendree

We're excited to share that this past weekend we kicked-off our first Instagram contest. We love seeing your photos and hearing your stories and from March 1-15, one lucky YFU Instagramer who follows @YFUusa and submits a photo(s) using the hashtag #myYFU will WIN a new Polaroid Cube

The following factors may impact the judges' decision for the winning entry:

  • Creative use of incorporating YFU in the photo 
  • Number of 'likes' 
  • Photo narrative

Now's the time to dig-up those photos that have been collecting on your phone, meet up with your friends for a photo shoot and enter to win! 

Be sure to read the rules and eligibility. Have fun and get creative! 

Discover Cuba with YFU!

Jennifer McKendree

Cuba may be only 90 miles from Florida, but for half a century, it’s been largely off-limits to most Americans. Since 2011, Americans have been allowed to go to Cuba on tours run by licensed companies like Interplanner, YFU’s Adult Study Tour provider. Recently, President Obama asked the Treasury Department to expand permissions for travel to Cuba, though general tourism on one’s own will still be forbidden. This renewed attention on Cuba has many would-be travelers wondering what the island neighbor has to offer. We talked to our own expert, YFU Travel Director and native of Cuba Alex Lopez to find out. Read the interview here.

Learn more about the 2015 YFU Adult Community Arts & Cultural Tour to Cuba!