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3995 Fashion Square Boulevard
Saginaw, MI, 48603
United States


Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.


News - Youth For Understanding USA

Latest news about Youth for Understanding USA student exchange programs worldwide – Events – Partnerships.

Help Save CBYX

Jennifer McKendree

The U.S. Department of State has cut funding for the CBYX program by 50% for the 2015-2016 program year, and the program’s future is in jeopardy. To guarantee that CBYX, one of the most prominent German-American exchange programs for the past 30 years, continues to support the 700 German and American participants annually, full funding for the program must be restored.

YFU recognizes first hand its importance to our future leaders, as we have proudly helped administer the program, allowing U.S. students the opportunity to become CBYX scholars and placing German CBYX scholars with American host families.

Support for the program is needed from as many people as possible. Please visit to learn more and share the website and petition with anyone you know whose life has been touched by CBYX or who believes strongly in the German-American partnership.

Read more and learn how you can help!


Information Night & Open House - February 12

Jennifer McKendree

Please Join Us for an Information Night at YFU Headquarters

We will discuss our study abroad program options for high school students, gap year programs for recent graduates, and study tour programs for educators and other adult participants. Refreshments will be served.

Youth For Understanding USA
641 S St NW
Education Center (Lower Level) 
Washington, DC 20001

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Educator Session
Teachers and Administrators- Learn how you can take a group of your students abroad this summer or go on a YFU program yourself. Understand opportunities for enrolling international students in your school and volunteering with YFU in your local community.

6:30 pm-8:00 pm: Student and Parent Session & Community Open House
Learn more about YFU’s study abroad and study tour programs in 40+ countries and our many scholarship opportunities. Hear stories of alumni, meet program staff, and get your questions answered. Discover how your family can host an international student this coming school year.