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Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.

News - Youth For Understanding USA

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YFU Board Chair Daryl Weinert and former President & CEO Michael E. Hill meet at Chautauqua Institution to converse about study abroad


YFU Board Chair Daryl Weinert visited former President & CEO Michael E. Hill at Chautauqua Institution. Hill was named the President of The Chautauqua Institution in New York in November 2016. 

[Michael] Hill referenced the “value of civil discourse at a discordant time,” both in the era of [Daryl] Weinert’s study abroad trip and in today’s political climate. He asked what the purpose was, then, for students to still go overseas amid global turbulence.

“You truly do not understand your own culture until you get out of your own culture,” Weinert said. “There’s just so much baggage associated in your own culture as you’re living it that you don’t even know, ‘What’s a part of my culture, what’s not, what’s core human values, what’s just cultural?’
— The Chautauquan Daily