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Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.

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Conquering the Seven Summits: Andrew Towne to Participate in Facebook Live Stream on 6/1

Jennifer McKendree

Have you been following YFU Alum & Board member Andrew Towne’s journey to summit Mt. Everest and complete all of the Seven Summits? Join us on Thursday, June 1st (around 6:30pm EST) when he’ll be joining us at our national headquarters in Washington, DC for a live stream on our Facebook Page. We hope you’ll join us!

On May 25th, at about 4:35am, Pasang Kami (PK) and I reached the highest point on earth. We watched the sun rise over the Tibetan plateau as Mount Everest cast a shadow stretching into the horizon. We reverently acknowledged the Buddhist prayer flags and photo of the Dalai Lama that someone had placed on the summit, and we mentally prepared ourselves for the decent, even as we snapped a couple of photographs.
One other thing I am certain of is the power we have to change the world by enabling our youth to experience a foreign culture. Once a teenager understands the idea that a cultural difference is not necessarily good, or bad, but different, they become permanently more empathetic and curious about the human race. And the better we can understand one another, the easier we will be able to work together to promote our global well-being.

If you too believe in the transformative power of studying abroad and experiencing another culture, make a donation to Andrew’s scholarship fundraiser today!