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3995 Fashion Square Boulevard
Saginaw, MI, 48603
United States


Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.

Donna Schnaars

Donna Schnaars, YFU USA Board Trustee, Eastern Region Representative and National Volunteer Advisory Council member, brings a wealth of YFU experience to the Board.


Donna Schnaars of Virginia Beach, Virginia brings a wealth of experience to the Board, having been active in the YFU community for over twenty-five years. Schnaars, who has worked as an educator and media specialist in the Virginia Beach School District, joins the Board and NVAC as a host parent, former Field Director, and current volunteer. In 1985, her family hosted their first international student and they have continued to host (usually two exchange students) almost every year since then. Building on her first positive hosting experience, she began volunteering as an Area Representative (AR) the following year, supporting local students and families. Schnaars served in this capacity for fourteen years. She then worked as a Field Director in the Southern Tier/ Coastal Rim District from 2000 to 2001 and from 2003 to 2008. She currently serves as an orientation volunteer and Certified Trainer in the Eastern Region. Reinstating a national volunteer council has been a personal goal since joining the YFU Board of Trustees in 2011. 

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