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Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.


News - Youth For Understanding USA

Latest news about Youth for Understanding USA student exchange programs worldwide – Events – Partnerships.

YFU Launches Local Coordinator Model

Jennifer McKendree

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your commitment to YFU, especially in this last year. It has been a difficult time for all, and we greatly appreciate your belief in our mission and your support in making the dreams of our students a reality.

This last year has been challenging to say the least, especially for the YFU Community. We’ve learned a lot about our mission and our organization over these last several months, but the biggest lesson we’ve taken away is that change is necessary if YFU hopes to remain viable in an increasingly changing world.

Starting now with the students set to arrive in the fall of 2022-2023, YFU USA will begin using Local Coordinators in conjunction with the Development Managers and Placement Specialists to place our international students and support them and their families during their exchange year. YFU support service structures will remain the same.

The Local Coordinator (LC) role is comparable to our current Volunteer Area Representative (AR) position. However, Local Coordinators are paid contractors and receive the compensation as they complete required tasks throughout the pre-exchange and exchange year. This change from AR to LC will not impact students currently on the program.

YFU is seeking individuals to fill the role of Local Coordinator beginning immediately as we must begin to find host families for our students arriving in August.  You can find more information on the LC role here. YFU is still in need of volunteers to do activities such as orientations, scholarship evaluations, profile writing, Study Abroad interviews, and other activities. However you wish to volunteer, YFU is still in need of YOU! I

 Finally, we ask that you please “pardon our dust” as we build out this new program over the next several months. We anticipate hiccups along the way but appreciate your patience as we implement these much-needed changes to our programs and structures. 

Thank you for your continued support of YFU and our programs! 


Jennifer McKendree

Update July 30

For nearly 70 years, YFU has remained a leader in international high school exchange. The health, safety, and well-being of all of our participants have always been our top priority. With this in mind, YFU USA has made the difficult and painful decision to cancel our Fall 2020 Inbound International High School Student Program. The American Study Abroad Program has NOT been impacted by this decision.

As the pandemic situation in the United States continues to deteriorate, it is not safe for our international students to arrive this fall.  The escalation of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths in the US, as well as the uncertain opening of many schools pose an undue risk to the quality and safety of YFU USA’s program, and online learning has been determined by the YFU network and the US Department of State as an unacceptable exchange experience.

Read more about YFU’s 2020-2021 inbound program cancellation, what host families can do until we resume our inbound programming in January, and how our 2020 American Study Abroad program is moving forward!