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Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.


News - Youth For Understanding USA

Latest news about Youth for Understanding USA student exchange programs worldwide – Events – Partnerships.

YFU USA Exchanges Once Again Recognized for Quality and Safety


YFU USA Receives Full Listing in Three CSIET Listing Categories

Youth For Understanding USA (YFU) is pleased to announce that The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) continues to recognize YFU for its commitment to quality and safety in their 2016-2017 Advisory List.

CSIET is a not-for-profit organization committed to quality international educational travel and exchange for youth at the high school level. Its purpose is to identify reputable international youth exchange programs; to provide leadership and support to the exchange and educational communities; to ensure youth are provided with meaningful and safe international exchange experiences; and to promote the importance and educational value of international youth exchange.

YFU USA has received Full Listing in the three CSIET program categories for which it is eligible:

  • Inbound (J-1) Long-term
  • Outbound Long-term
  • Short-term Inbound/Outbound

This achievement reflects YFU’s global commitment to quality, and consistent application of CSIET standards throughout the international YFU network.

Families around the world trust YFU because of its strong reputation for quality, high safety standards, and knowledgeable and local support network. As one of the world’s oldest and largest exchange organizations, YFU has provided study abroad opportunities to more than 70 countries for 260,000+ high school students since 1951.

Annual application for listing in the CSIET Advisory List is voluntary. Organizations and programs are accorded Full Listing in the CSIET Advisory List when they have demonstrated full compliance with all CSIET Standards. 

YFU Family Mourns Loss Following Earthquake in Ecuador


YFU USA joins the entire YFU family in mourning the loss of Nene, an exchange student from Germany, and Familia Tixilema Lopez, who were hosting her, during the recent devastating earthquake in Ecuador. At YFU, we believe we are part of one special family that goes beyond borders and cultures because we believe in exchange, the brave young adults who each embark on their own life changing journeys, and the welcoming families who open up their hearts and homes to a young person. The entire YFU family is rallying in support of those most affected by this disaster.

YFU’s standing protocols of safety and care for all on-program students along with the family and friends of Nene and the Tixilema Lopez family have been initiated and at this point we ask each of you continue to hold this exceptional young girl, her natural family and host family in your hearts. Our deepest sympathies remain with Nene’s and Tixilema Lopez’s family and friends.

YFU is currently assessing the situation for the remaining students in the affected areas. At this point we know that all other students are safe with their host families, and we are in touch with them to evaluate their situation. As this natural disaster is highly impacting Ecuador and has severely damaged the infrastructure, we are also seeking advice from authorities on how to best continue with the YFU operations. For YFU, the safety and well-being of our students and families, as well as the impact on communities, are our top priority as we decide on the next steps.