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Spotlight: Tauber Institute for Global Operations + YFU

Jennifer McKendree

Last year, YFU welcomed two graduate students, Nicholas Clift and Tomas Molfino, from the University of Michigan's Tauber Institute for Global Operations to work with us in developing a roadmap to help lay the foundation for the organizations future. Clift and Molfino interviewed stakeholders from across our network to gain a better understanding of the organization, identify challenges, and provide recommendations to strengthen outcomes while creating a culture of trust and optimism. 

YFU was the first nonprofit to participate in the Tauber program and following the completion of the study were invited to participate in a session at the Ross Positive Business Conference. Together, YFU USA President & CEO Michael Hill, Board Chair Daryl Weinert, Tauber Institute Business Co-Director Roman Kapuscinski and student participant Nicholas Clift shared project outcomes. The conference brought together industry executives and community leaders to discuss the business world’s increasing interest in the power of positivityWatch the presentation recording online

YFU Network Mourns Loss of Alum in Malaysian Airline Crash

Jennifer McKendree

A note from YFU USA President & CEO Michael Hill

The entire YFU community mourns the tragic death of YFU alum Joep Lange a prominent AIDS researcher who studied abroad in the US in 1971/1972. Joep perished in the Malaysian airlines MH17 crash over the Ukraine yesterday while in route to an international AIDS conference. Our hearts go out to his entire family, including his youngest daughter who is scheduled to study abroad with YFU to Argentina.

Our thoughts remain with Joep's family and friends and all those impacted by this tragedy.