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Intercultural student exchange programs for high school students, 
teenagers, youth, host families, schools & communities to more than 70
foreign countries.


News - Youth For Understanding USA

Latest news about Youth for Understanding USA student exchange programs worldwide – Events – Partnerships.

YFU & The Alliance For International Educational and Cultural Exchange Respond to Proposed Bill Changes

Jennifer McKendree


Proposed Bill Amendments Would Drastically Impact Education & Cultural Exchange Programs.


Bethesda, MD (May 8, 2014) – This week, Youth For Understanding USA (YFU) added its name to a letter from the Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange to Congressman Ed Royce (D-CA), Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, in opposition to proposed markups to a bill which would severely impact the entire student exchange industry.

Anti-trafficking Bill, H.R. 3344, introduced by Congressman Royce, originally excluded the Department of State’s Exchange Visitor Program (EVP) from its provisions. Recent proposed revisions – such as including potential provisions that would prohibit on-program fees, amend the definition of J visa sponsors as foreign labor contractors, and require registration with the Department of Homeland Security – raise concern that educational and cultural exchange programs might be substantially damaged as a result. Proposed changes such as these may have trickle down components to nonprofit exchange programs such as YFU.

Families around the world trust YFU because of its reputation for quality, high safety standards, and knowledgeable support network. YFU USA continues to be fully-listed by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET), an industry accrediting organization, for implementing numerous layers of protection to ensure student welfare. YFU has rigorous standards for host family screening and selection, including in-home interviews, reference checks, and criminal background checks. As a nonprofit, tuition fees cover costs associated with program oversight and ensure any new regulations mandated by the Department of State are met.

As noted in the Alliance letter, “Any effort to define US exchange sponsors as foreign labor recruiters misunderstands the fundamental character of these cultural exchanges, and will make the programs more difficult to administer.” YFU asserts that young people seeking a global education should not be faced with unnecessary barriers hindering the creation of international connections and cultural understanding.

“Our world is in greater need of cooperation and understanding than perhaps any other time in history,” said Michael E. Hill, President & Chief Executive Officer of YFU USA. “Intercultural exchange is a principal antidote to the hatred and stereotypes that divide people. We urge Congressman Royce and his colleagues to re-examine this bill to ensure that it does not harm a vital instrument of public diplomacy in the United States.”

YFU USA is urging all those who care about intercultural understanding to reach out to their representatives in Congress to share this view.


YFU Alum Nominated to Lead U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Jennifer McKendree


Sylvia Matthews Burwell tapped as next U.S. Health Secretary


Bethesda, MD (April 15, 2014) – Youth For Understanding USA (YFU) is excited to share that a member of its alumni, Sylvia Matthews Burwell, who was a YFU scholarship recipient to Japan in 1982, has been nominated by President Obama to serve as the next Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Burwell is currently the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Prior to this appointment, she was President of the WalMart Foundation and before that, spent 10 years with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, during which time she served as their Chief Operating Officer and President of the Global Development Program.

“YFU programs engage young people in incredible leadership development and instill in participants a deep sense of international understanding and public diplomacy. We are so proud of what Secretary-designate Burwell has already accomplished and are grateful for the example she sets of the limitless potential of YFU participants to serve as key leaders of tomorrow,” said Michael E. Hill, President & CEO of YFU.


About YFU
Youth For Understanding (YFU) advances intercultural understanding, mutual respect, and social responsibility through educational exchanges for youth, families and communities. The global YFU network, consisting of partners in more than 60 different countries, is united by the belief that full cultural immersion is the most effective means to gain the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly multicultural, interconnected and competitive global society. Selected to administer more government and corporate scholarships than any other high school exchange program, YFU has remained a trusted leader of intercultural exchange programs for more than 60 years because of its commitment to safety, reputation for quality, and exceptional support services.

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