High School Study Abroad Programs

Change the way you see the world

Ready to become an international exchange student?

How does YFU’s high school study abroad program work?

YFU provides high school students and their families with the support, logistics and tools for a safe international exchange experience. Whether you’re studying abroad for a summer, semester, or a school year, we’re there with you every step of the way. All students departing from the US:

  • Are placed with a carefully selected host family.
  • Are enrolled in school (semester or year programs).
  • Have access to counseling, tutoring, worldwide emergency assistance, and support through their Area Representative.
  • Attend pre-departure orientations to help ease both the student and parent into the world of study abroad.
  • Have access to YFU travel staff on both their domestic and international flights.
  • Receive support from a local, trained, Area Representative once they are overseas to help with their adjustment and to support them for the length of their exchange and have access to YFU’s professional support system 24/7/365.

YFU and its amazing employees and volunteers provided an invaluable service and made the whole trip as smooth as can be - especially at the tail end of a global pandemic. I can't avoid the cliche: my trip to Greece did help shape my future, and I can't wait for another chance to study abroad.

Erick, Greece

Erick, Greece

A good note to end is that YFU ensures you are matched with a safe and reliable host family. And, if, on the off chance, there is an issue, they are there to help. I was very happy with my host family, and they treated me with kindness, patience, and warm hospitality. I strongly encourage anyone who desires to experience another culture through YFU’s dependable, professional program!

Bella, South Korea

Bella, South Korea

In winter 2022, I lived my dream as an exchange student in Germany. My high expectations were exceeded as I made many friends and formed a deep bond with my host family, whom I now consider a real family. I learned the language, culture, and experienced the warmth of the German people. If given the chance, I’d do it all over again.

Matt, Germany

Matt, Germany

My time in Uruguay gave me deep empathy, an even greater thirst to travel, and new pieces to my identity. My study abroad was far from easy for me emotionally, yet I would not hesitate to tell you to dive and study abroad with YFU because whatever you find will change you in impossible ways.

Aidan, Uruguay

Aidan, Uruguay

In the fall of 2021, I studied abroad in Catania, Sicily, for 4 1/2 months during the pandemic. I embraced the language, culture, and amazing people of Italy. Exchange pushed me out of my comfort zone and showed me the world. Despite the hardships, I'd do it all over again because it was worth it. Exchange is life-changing and worth every moment!

Isabella, Italy

Isabella, Italy

Three months back in America, life feels different. I miss my host family, the high school, the dance academy, and the vibrant life in Chile. My goal was to fully immerse myself in the language and culture, and although my language skills aren't perfect, I can now understand my Abuela better. None of this would have been possible without the scholarship I received, and I'm forever grateful for the experience.

Kelly, Chile

Kelly, Chile

I highly encourage anyone interested in studying abroad to do so. Overall, I’d say that I came out of my exchange experience as a better person and I think anyone that studies abroad has the potential to grow.

Jenny, Japan

Jenny, Japan

I can assure you that any exchange program you participate in will definitely have an impact on you and will be something that you will never forget.

Andres, Germany

Andres, Germany

My host family became an extension of my natural family and I formed countless other relationships with the people I met. Sometimes it was a challenge, but by the end, I didn’t want to go home.

Giancarlo, Italy

Giancarlo, Italy

About YFU

Since 1951, Youth For Understanding has connected more than half a million students with caring host families worldwide from over 60 global partners. YFU is one of the oldest and most prestigious international exchange organizations around the globe.

For over 70 years, YFU has remained a trusted leader in international exchange because of our commitment to safety, reputation for quality, and exceptional support services. We are proudly partnered and governed by the Department of State in promoting public diplomacy through our programs.

Learn more about yourself and your world by studying abroad with YFU.

You can now apply for all 2025 countries and study abroad programs. Admission is made on a rolling basis for these competitive programs, so it’s best to submit your application now to lock in your first choice. We recommend applying early because:

YFU programs can fill early and an early application can increase your chances at acceptance.

Once you apply, you have access to our Study Abroad team who can guide and prepare you for next steps.

Early applicants often have more time to work with our Study Abroad team on a second choice program if not selected for their first choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students who study abroad with Youth For Understanding decide where they want to go and how long they study abroad for. Students may currently select from over 35 destinations and high school programs varying in length from a short-term summer program to the school semester 

  • Age: Usually, high school students need to be between 15 and 18 while on program. However, certain countries will accept overage students on a case by case basis. We also offer special programs for 18-26 year olds as well some special programs for adults.
  • Citizenship: Students must be a United States citizen or hold a Green Card or have permanent residency of the United States with the exception of students applying for the Mazda Canada Scholarship.
  • Language: Most of our international Study Abroad programs do not have a language requirement. To find out about a specific program or scholarship, check out our Countries or Scholarships pages. No summer programs have a language requirement.
  • GPA: For year or semester programs, we require a 3.0 GPA or better (Note: The CBYX requirement is a 2.5). For summer programs, the GPA requirement is 2.0 or better.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Status: Please be advised that being fully immunized against COVID-19 is a partner requirement for some of our outbound destinations.
  • Motivation: Students who are open-minded, interested in other cultures and becoming a global citizen, and willing to take on new challenges.
  • Mental and Emotional Readiness: Moving to a new culture and staying in unfamiliar surroundings without your normal support structure can be very stressful. Sending a student with pre-existing mental health conditions on an exchange program could hinder therapeutic progress. At YFU, our #1 priority is the safety of our students. Therefore, students seeing a mental health professional or taking medication must demonstrate 2 years of stability, meaning no significant changes to counseling or medication doses within 2 years of applying for the program. These include, but are not limited to depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Debilitating Anxiety, and eating disorders. If the student’s mental health issue has been managed for over 2 years, we will complete a counseling review as part of the application process and can accept students on a case-by-case basis. Please know that YFU USA and the YFU Host country must both feel they can properly support the student on program before accepting them.
  • We offer 200 merit-based scholarships. Your family’s ability to pay program tuition will not affect your chances of winning a scholarship. To learn more about these, you may visit our scholarship page.
  • In addition to our merit-based scholarship awards, limited needs-based financial aid is also available to enrolled YFU students.
  • Many of our students are able to fundraise a portion (or sometimes all!) of their program tuition. Check out our fundraising page.

We take all precautionary measures to ensure our student’s safety and your peace of mind. YFU programs have exchanged more than 270,000 students since 1951, many of these years coinciding with war or international conflict. As global tensions and political uncertainty are inevitable, our top priority continues to be student safety. YFU is evaluated annually by oversight agencies. We are proud to consistently receive Full Listing in all three J-1 Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) listing categories: Inbound Long-term, Outbound Long-term and Short-term Inbound/Outbound programs.

The ideal time for high school students to study abroad can begin as early as 9th grade, typically when students are around 15 years old. Starting from this age allows students to fully immerse themselves in a new cultural and educational environment, fostering early development in language skills and cultural adaptability.
This year strikes a balance between giving students enough high school experience to prepare them for the challenges of living abroad and allowing them to return home for their senior year, which is crucial for college applications and graduation preparations.

Yes! High school students should consider studying abroad if the opportunity arises. This experience can positively impact their learning journey, as they are exposed to new cultures, languages, and ways of thinking.
It fosters independence, enhances intercultural communication skills, and often leads to lifelong friendships and connections. Additionally, studying abroad can provide a competitive edge in college admissions and future job markets. It’s an invaluable experience that broadens horizons and contributes significantly to personal and academic growth.

  • If you are going for a semester or year-long program, you will need to get a visa or residence permit. You can find information about this process on consulate and embassy websites for your host country.
  • If you are accepted into the program, you will receive more information on how to obtain your visa.
  • Host families come in all different shapes and sizes. Most host families are made up of a mother, father, and children, but that can vary by country. It is not guaranteed that your host siblings will be your age.
  • Yes! Many of our country partners will consider overage or underage students on a case-by-case basis. If you want to ask about your specific situation, please call 1.800.TEENAGE to speak with an Admissions Counselor.
  • We also offer Young Adult Programs, including Gap year.
  • Extending your stay in a country depends on many different factors. Some student visas will not allow you to extend your stay when you are not in school in your host country.
  • Please get in touch with an admissions counselor if you have specific questions about extending your trip.
  • Yes! You will be able to travel with your host family if you have approval from your natural parents as well as your host YFU program.
  • YFU students are not typically permitted to travel overnight without a host parent.
  • Acceptances are made on a rolling basis, so early submission is highly encouraged. Students who apply to specific programs earlier will be notified earlier. Fall/Summer program applicants will be notified of their status in May. Winter/Spring program applicants will be notified no later than November.
  • Only your high school can agree to accept your international credits upon your return home. YFU does not guarantee credit transfers from your international school to your local high school for semester or year programs. All that being said, students are often able to stay on track when they’re proactive with their American high school and guidance counselors before program departure. To help you along, you can find additional information on our School Credit Guideline document.

Tuition Questions

  • Tuition varies depending on what program and country you choose. Please visit our countries page to select a country and determine tuition. Program tuition covers your travel expenses, orientations, host family placement, meals, and support from local and global YFU networks.
  • The YFU Legacy Grant is available to alumni, their children, and children of qualified host families and volunteers (must have hosted or volunteered for at least 6 months prior to American student departure). Eligible applicants will receive a $1,000 discount on their program tuition. Applying for the YFU Legacy Grant does not disqualify students from winning another scholarship but cannot be combined. Eligible students should apply via the YFU Scholarships page. Please note that the YFU Legacy Grant is not competitive. All students who qualify using the criteria listed above and have been accepted into a YFU program will be awarded the grant(s).
  • Upon acceptance to the program, our team will create a contract which will include the due date of tuition. Tuition will be due before you can begin the visa process.
  • A non-refundable $10 application fee is required to process your application and is not considered part of the program tuition. You should pay this immediately after submitting your application. You can pay the fee via credit card by calling us at 1.800.TEENAGE ext. 1
  • Please Note: If a student applies for multiple scholarships, only one $10 application fee is required. Some scholarships have a reduced or waived application fee, so please see the scholarships page for more detail.
  • A non-refundable $2,000 enrollment deposit is required in order for a student to accept his or her position and enroll in the program (unless the student is a full scholarship recipient). This is considered a down payment and the first installment of the tuition or scholarship contribution. It is due two weeks after a student is notified of admission via email. Students who are awarded a full scholarship will not be required to pay the deposit.
  • Application fees and enrollment deposits are non-refundable. Tuition refunds are given in accordance with the following schedule. If YFU USA receives written notification of cancellation:
  • Prior to March 15 (for summer departure programs) or October 1 (for winter departure programs), YFU will retain the non-refundable application fee and enrollment deposit. All other tuition paid will be refunded.
  • After March 15 (for summer departure programs) or October 1 (for winter departure programs), YFU will retain $3,000. All other tuition paid will be refunded.
  • After departure to the host country, participants are not eligible for any refund.

YFU USA Programs are subject to change or cancellation. In the event that my child’s Program is cancelled, I will have the opportunity to choose another YFU USA Program if a suitable Program is available or obtain a tuition refund (less the non-refundable application fee).

YFU reserves the right to reassess the status of accepted students based on new information or behavior prior to departure, and cancel program participation. In these cases, YFU will refund all tuition paid except the non-refundable application fee and enrollment deposit.

  • Many expenses are included in your tuition, though you will need to budget separately for some costs like passport fees, visa fees (which may consist of travel if you are required to appear in person at a consulate), personal spending money, luggage tariffs, any applicable international airport taxes, optional trips, personal expenses, telephone calls, property damage, and some school expenses such as books or uniforms which are not included in your tuition.
  • The amount of money you will spend overseas depends on your spending and saving habits, the country you are going to, and the current exchange rate for the U.S. dollar. You should budget money for clothes, toiletries, snacks, postage, entertainment, and any other miscellaneous expenses you may incur while on exchange. On average, students in year and semester programs spend approximately $150-$300 a month while students in a summer program spend around $300-$500 (total).


    • Domestic and international airfare
    • International Gateway Airport assistance
    • Airfare for National Pre-Departure Orientation (year & semester students)


    • Enrollment in a school
    • Placement with a carefully selected host family
    • National Office and YFU Area Representative support while on the program


    • Student Support Staff available 24 hours/day
    • Volunteer training and expense reimbursement


    • Staffed, professional orientations in-person and/or via remote platforms.
    • Curriculum and materials
    • National Pre-Departure Orientation (year & semester students) – lodging, local travel, food, & airfare


    • Registration (application review & enrollment)
    • Publications & Materials
    • Promotional items


    • Operational expenses, YFU offices, utilities, and telecommunications (1.800.TEENAGE)

Fundraising Questions

Participating in an exchange program is a fantastic experience that will change your life if you let it! Even though YFU is a non-profit organization, which means we don’t profit from these exchanges, the program still has a cost. Trying to figure out how to afford a study abroad program can seem daunting, but we will break it down to ensure you have the support and resources needed to make your dreams of studying abroad a reality.

So, where do you start? Grab a piece of paper and pen (or tablet) and start thinking about your own network, writing down the names of those you can ask for support or who might be able to help you in fundraising. Next, you need to know just how much you’ll need to begin to create a budget so you know just how much you’ll need to fundraise. It’s also vital that you start thinking about your elevator pitch. How are you going communicate to others, what you’re fundraising for, why it’s important to you, and how you will make it a reality? It will be your thoughtful answers and passion that will make people believe in you!

  • As you approach the first person to support your fundraising it’s normal to feel insecure and maybe even scared. We all have to start somewhere, and the only way to become a star fundraiser is to – fundraise! Soon, you will learn what works and what doesn’t. You will feel more and more comfortable and your hard work and passion about studying abroad will be noticeable to the people you meet and talk with. But of course, there are some shortcuts, learn from the people before you!

Absolutely! One way to do this is to think about the elevator pitch you’ve created. Can you turn it into a 60-second (2-minute max) video? Videos allow you to creatively share your story and raise awareness of your need.

  • Everyone has their strengths, so what are you good at doing? Use your skills and talents in creative ways to raise funds.
  • Arts sale: If you are artistic, you can make drawings, paintings, or sculptures and organize an Art sale, same procedure as for a bake sale, but with your nice items.
  • Morning coffee: Do you live close to where people pass on their morning commute? Give a try to a morning coffee stand, right where they pass to the bus metro or walk to their office.
  • Garage Sale: You probably have things you no longer need, cannot use, or dislike. You can also ask your club, church, or family if they have items they would donate so that you can organize a garage sale or have a table at a flea market.
  • International evening: Invite family, friends, and neighbors to an international evening. Ask some people to support you by making food from different countries and donating it to your evening. Charge everyone a small fee for participating in the evening. You can also use the evening to talk about the country you want to go to on your exchange and let your friends know more about its culture and why you want to go there.
  • Holiday decorations: For the Holidays in your country, be creative and make holiday decorations representing the country to which you want to go on exchange. You can sell cards, window decorations, ornaments, wreaths, cookies, etc.

When you apply be sure also to check out our scholarships page. YFU has been selected to administer more government and corporate scholarships than any other high school exchange program. With 200 full and partial scholarships awarded to help students’ dreams of travel and learning become realities, there’s bound to be one you’re eligible for!

Have an idea or need some help getting started? Contact one of our Representatives at info@yfu.org or 1.800.TEENAGE.

Parent Questions

Your child has an opportunity to make an impact—not just on his or her life, but a global impact. YFU aims to engage young people in personal development opportunities to increase their leadership capacity and improve international understanding and public diplomacy. We believe as youth proceed into adulthood, they will draw upon the life-changing intercultural learning experiences of their exchanges, creating a more peaceful, tolerant society.

Studying abroad may challenge your child, but it will also test you. Being placed in this situation of distance and being prevented from the daily parenting ritual might make you or your teenager uneasy. But, we know that it is within this feeling that personal growth can blossom. The YFU study abroad experience facilitates character building by creating opportunities to withstand uncertainty and build resilience.

YFU Study Abroad creates meaningful opportunities for self-discovery and growth. Away from their comfort zone, YFU students learn interpersonal competencies as they are compelled to form trusting relationships with residents of the host culture and learn how to solve problems locally, without their parents. YFU students gain leadership skills and global competencies to prepare them for their future in an interdependent world. It’s up to you to allow your child the breathing room to become independent, to make mistakes, and to learn. Nothing that is genuinely worthwhile is easy.

From the moment your teenager returns home, you’ll notice a difference. Most parents of YFU students say their teen returned with greater confidence and maturity. But more importantly, YFU students see changes within. From having a stronger sense of the world to personal growth and being more adaptable in unfamiliar situations, YFU students truly discover another part of themselves—a part that will benefit them forever.

YFU students gain a global perspective that makes them ideal college candidates. Students improve their language competency and may earn advanced language placement in college.

When employers select a YFU alumnus, they know they are making a solid investment in a person who is flexible and has an elevated level of maturity, superior problem-solving skills, and an intuitive understanding of another country and its people. In today’s competitive job market, fluency in another language coupled with the ability to comprehend another culture gives YFU exchange students career advantages they wouldn’t otherwise have.

“My child was able to not only apply language skills, but also learn about the culture and country.”
“It gave my son a chance to grow and mature. It gave him a confidence in himself you get from doing things that are just beyond your grasp.”
“YFU was a trustworthy program. My daughter gained an experience that is so rare to others her age.”

YFU provides you and your child with the support, logistics and tools for a safe exchange experience. From helping select a program and orientation to travel and airport assistance, your student will be guided and supported throughout their journey. All students are placed with a carefully screened host family, enrolled in school (semester or year programs), and have access to counseling, tutoring, and worldwide emergency assistance around the clock. When you choose YFU for your son or daughter, you select an international community with more than 70 years of global exchange experience. And we’re here to help you every step of the way.

We take all precautionary measures to ensure our student’s safety and your peace of mind. YFU programs have exchanged more than 270,000 students since 1951, many of these years coinciding with war or international conflict. As global tensions and political uncertainty are inevitable, our top priority continues to be student safety. YFU is evaluated annually by oversight agencies. We are proud to consistently receive complete listings in all three J-1 Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) listing categories: Inbound Long-term, Outbound Long-term, and Short-term Inbound/Outbound programs.